Werkbezoek aan Dream City 2017

Van 4 tot en met 8 oktober 2017 vindt in Tunis de zesde editie plaats van Dream City, multidisciplinaire biënnale van hedendaagse kunst in de publieke ruimte. In het kader van haar samenwerking met de MENA-regio, biedt Kunstenpunt ondersteuning aan acht geselecteerde kunstenprofessionals.
Plaats & tijdstip
Tunis, van 4 tot en met 8 oktober 2017
De aanvragen werden beoordeeld door Jan Goossens (Dream City en Festival de Marseille), Sofiane Ouissi (L’Art Rue – Dream City), Lissa Kinnaer en Marijke De Moor (Kunstenpunt). Bekijk hier de acht geselecteerde kunstenaars.
Tunis Intersections / Dream Cityis a working visit to Tunis during the Dream City festival (4 to 8 October). Dream City is organised by choreographers Selma and Soufiane Ouissi and their Association L’Art Rue. The festival takes place in the Medina in Tunis and focuses on the intense and sustainable relationship between the artist and the context of the Medina. Artists are encouraged to create new work in close relation with the neighbourhood and its inhabitants. Jan Goossens, ex-director of KVS and current director of the Festival de Marseille, co-curates for the second time.
The working visit is organised by Flanders Arts Institute together with Joachim Ben Yakoub (University of Ghent) and the association L’Art Rue, as part of a broader focus and research on artistic practice in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The programme includes the Dream City festival, as well as visits and some discursive meetings about the Tunisian contemporary art scene and its broader socio-political context. The aim of the programme is to get a better knowledge and understanding of the issues at stake within the Tunisian contemporary art scene and to establish contacts for further exchange and artistic collaboration.
As a result of an open call, Flanders Arts Institute selected eight participants to join the programme from 3 to 9 October: Bie Vancraeynest (Enter Festival), Fairuz Ghammam (film maker), Zouzou Ben Chikha (theatre maker – Action Zoo Humain), Leentje Vandenbussche (artist), Mohamed Toukabri (choreographer, performer), Tom Bogaert (visual artist), Sarah Eisa (dramaturge, Arsenaal) and Saddie Choua (visual artist).
Online special
Focus on the Middle East & North Africa.