(Re)framing the International. Round table on new ways of working internationally in the performing arts in Europe, Asia & Australia.

During the yearly programme December Dance 2018 – this time focussing on the performing arts from Australia – Concertgebouw Brugge, Flanders Arts Institute and Australia Council for the Arts will host a round table about the international dimension of the performing arts: its value and meaning, the increasing tensions related to it, and possible solutions.
For many years, working internationally has been self-evident in performing arts. But discomfort is growing. With the economic pressure, inequality and precarity are increasing. Geopolitical turbulences and ecological concerns strip our assumptions of their innocence. How to understand these trends? What is the actual value and meaning of working internationally in the arts, in a shifting societal context? Which frictions and contradictions occur? Which alternatives are being developed? How can we imagine new ways of working internationally?
Fueled by the (Re)framing the International research & development trajectory of Kunstenpunt/Flanders Arts Institute, different perspectives from Europe, Australia and Asia come together. The aim is to stimulate reflection and exchange, and develop a format where participants are stimulated to actively use the (Re)framing framework to reflect on redesigning their practices.
Location & time
Concertgebouw Brugge, ‘t Zand 34, 8000 Brugge
8 December 2018, 11am -1.30pm
11am -11.05am: Welcome. Georg Weinand (Concertgebouw Brugge) and Sophie Travers (Australia Council for the Arts) welcome the participants and introduce the programme.
11.05am – 11.25am: (Re)framing the International. The European Perspective. Joris Janssens (Kunstenpunt/Flanders Arts Institute) presents key insights from the (Re)framing the International research.
11.25am – 11.35am: The Asian Perspective. Presentation by Daniel Kok. How do these trends and issues play out from an Asian perspective? What issues are at stake, what solutions/alternatives are being researched and developed, and by whom? What opportunities do we see for sharing and collaboration?
11.35am – 11.45am: The Australian Perspective. Presentation by Garry Stewart (Australian Dance Theatre). How do these trends and issues play out from an Australian perspective? What solutions/alternatives are being researched and developed, and by whom? What opportunities for sharing and collaboration?
Discussion & Debate
11.45am – 12.15pm: Questions, Answers, Reflections. Plenary discussion on the issues raised in the three presentations: questions, answers and further reflections about the issues/frictions and possible alternatives and collaborations. Moderated by Sophie.
12.15pm – 1pm: (Re)frame? The Game. Interactive exercise, introduced by Marijke de Moor (Kunstenpunt/Flanders Arts Institute). Can the ideas in the (Re)framing pocket used/applied to the practices by the participants? What ideas/dreams/international ambitions are people working on? What if the economical, social, ecological tensions increase? How can our practices be made more sustainable: on the economic, ecological, social, artistic and human level?
1pm – 1.30pm: Wrapping up. Plenary wrap-up, moderated by Sophie Travers. What do we take along from the presentations and discussions to our everyday practice? What questions, doubts, insights, inspirations?
The Round Table is open to international programmers and artists hosted by Concertgebouw Brugge and Australian Arts Council.
The session is open to local artists/presenters/professionals, with a maximum number of 50 attendees.
Registrations are closed for this event.
(Re)framing the International was a research & development trajectory of Kunstenpunt/Flanders Arts Institute examining new ways of working internationally in the arts. Read our pocket publication on (Re)framing the Internationally with a summary of the six frictions and 25 concrete tracks for a sustainable international practice.
During this trajectory we gathered trends, stories and reflections in three pop-up magazines. Read part one, two or three.
Concertgebouw Brugge, Kunstenpunt/Flanders Arts Institute and Australia Council for the Arts.
More information
About (Re)framing the international
December Dance 18 programme