Oriëntatiereis Verenigde Staten en Cuba

Kunstenpunt nodigt een curator uit Vlaanderen en Brussel uit om deel te nemen aan een oriëntatiereis die door het Mondriaan Fonds wordt georganiseerd. De reis wordt georganiseerd voor professionele curatoren in de beeldende kunst, met als doelstellingen kennisdelen, netwerking, visieverbreding en interessante ontdekkingskansen bieden.
De oriëntatiereis vindt plaats van 5 tot en met 17 november 2017 in de Verenigde Staten (Houston, New Orleans, Miami) en Cuba (Havana).
Het programma bestaat uit bezoeken aan musea, presentatie-instellingen, galeries, residentieplekken en kunstenaars in de verschillende steden.
Every year Flanders Arts Institute invites one curator to join the orientation trip organised by Mondriaan Fund. The orientation trip is organised for a group of professional curators in the visual arts. Its goal is to extend international networks and contacts, and to stimulate international dialogue between art professionals.
This year the orientation trip takes place form 5 until 17 November 2017. The group will visit the United States of America (Houston, New Orleans and Miami) and Cuba (Havana).
During the programme participants will visit museums, galleries, residencies and artist studios. Houston is commonly known for its oil industry and the NASA, but only few people know that the city has a remarkable and diverse art scene. During the trip we will visit (a.o.) following institutions: the Museum of Fine Arts, the Menil Collection including the Cy Twombly Gallery, the Rothko Chapel and the Contemporary Arts Museum. The Core Artist Residency Program, alternative spaces as DiverseWorks and the Lawndale Arts Center and several galleries will also be part of the programme.
The visit to New Orleans will include the opening of Prospect, the biggest Biennial for international contemporary art in the US. Other visits on the programme are the Contemporary Arts Center, Ogden Museum of Southern Art and the New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA).
In Miami we plan visits to Miami’s Wynwood Arts District with several galleries and museums with the three biggest collections of the Rubell, the Margulies and de la Cruz. Further: The Bass Museum, Lowe Art Museum, Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM), Institute of Contemporary Art Wolfsonian in Miami Beach, Frost Art Museum, Girls’ Club – Contemporary Art by Women in Fort Lauderdale, Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation in Miami, MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art North Miami).
The trip to Havana includes meetings and visits to: Criterios-Desiderio Navarro, Instituto Superior de las Artes Plásticas, Museo de Bellas Artes, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wifredo Lam, Galleria Continua, Factoría Habana, Espacio Aglutinador and Casa de las Americas.
De reis wordt georganiseerd door het Mondriaan Fonds, in samenwerking met Kunstenpunt, de Danish Arts Agency en het Zwitserse Pro Helvetia. In totaal nemen ongeveer achttien personen deel aan de reis, waarvan één deelnemer uit Vlaanderen die door Kunstenpunt wordt geselecteerd.