Flemish Early Music at FeMAP

The ninth edition of the Catalan festival FeMAP (Festival de Música Antiga dels Pirineus) put the spotlight on Early Music from Flanders. Between July 5 and August 25, 2019, Flemish musicians and ensembles played over 50 performances at various historical locations in the Pyrenees.
Flanders and Catalonia share a rich cultural history, peaking during the spread of Franco-Flemish polyphony during the Burgundian period. Five hundred years later, the Festival de Música Antiga dels Pirineus proves that the cultural mobility between north and south and between Flanders and Catalonia still stands.
FeMAP is the joint effort of cities in the Catalan Pyrenees linking early music to the rich architectural heritage of the Pyrenees, with particular emphasis on the art and architecture of the Romanesque period. Supported by the Flemish government, Early Music musicians and ensembles from Flanders brought their historical performances to the many cathedrals, churches and chapels of the Spanish Pyrenees.
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The Ensemble Flandriae-Pyrenaei, led by Frank Agsteribbe, gathers musicians from Flanders and Catalonia to put musical gems by famous names of the age back on the map. The Flemish ensemble Utopia performed the Lamentations by Cristóbal de Morales.
More historical informed performances were delivered by Les Abbagliati, Il Gardellino, RedHerring Baroque Ensemble and Romina Lischka & Sofie vanden Eynde
FeMAP Festival took place from 5 July to 25 August on various locations. View the full programme here.
More information
Stef Coninx (International relations classical music)