Luxembourg / Luxemburg

1. Cultural policy

Cultural policy profile


Ministry of Culture

2. Official representations

Representation of Luxembourg in Belgium

EUNIC representative in Belgium:
Hélène Spitaels, attachée culturelle
Ambassade du Luxembourg à Bruxelles
75, avenue de Cortenbergh
B-1000 Bruxelles
Tél.: (+32 -2) 737 57 36

Representation of Flanders in Luxembourg

3. About funding, cooperation and information centers

– Funding and cooperation

  • Kultur|lx – Arts Council Luxembourg: was created in July 2020 as an initiative of the Luxembourg Ministry of Culture. The establishment of this new tool for the support, promotion and development of the Luxembourgish cultural scene is the result of a broad consultation with the creative sector. It is IFACCA’s National Member, and its music department is the EMEE member. See more specifically the Panoramas per disciplines.

– Information

  • the french-speaking portal on cultural opportunities for professionals, with some information in English too. Beside listing open calls and jobs, it also presents articles on the cultural offer in Luxembourg.
  • Information overview via On the Move country page: On the Move is the cultural mobility information network, providing information and knowledge for artists and cultural professionals active across borders. On this page, you can find all current calls related to the country as well as the latest version of the Cultural Mobility Funding Guide – and more.

4. Other information portals and platforms

– All disciplines

– Visual arts

  • AAPL – Association des Artistes Plasticiens du Luxembourg: founded in February 2013. It currently has more than 150 members. The association aims at dialogue and exchange between artists and aims to represent and defend the material and moral interests as well as the social rights of the profession and those of its members in Luxembourg. It is a member of IAA / AIAP.
  • Design Luxembourg: aims to be a real federation of designers that supports its members in their activities, that raises awareness among public authorities about the specificities of our professions and that, through actions (exhibitions, meetings, debates, awards), promotes local designers and offers them a platform for support and exchange.
  • Luxembourg Art Week: an international contemporary art fair in Luxembourg. On its website, one can find an overview of relevant local art galleries and institutions.

– Performing arts

  • Theatre Federatioun – ITI Luxembourg: officially known as FLAS (Fédération Luxembourgeoise des Arts de la Scène), is the association of theatres, cultural centres, theatre and dance companies as well as independent artists and intermittents working in the sector of theatre and dance in Luxembourg. It has 23 members. On its professional website, one can find everything one needs to know about working in Luxembourg (the cultural landscape, the status of artists, administrative procedures etc.).

– Music

  • SACEM Luxembourg: represents and defends the rights of authors and creators worldwide and plays a crucial economic role to preserve musical creation. SACEM and SDRM concluded contracts with more than 168 authors’ companies in the world and attributed the management of these rights for the Grand duchy of Luxembourg to SACEM Luxembourg. Alongside its CMO’s activities, SACEM Luxembourg has a mission of artistic development and thus invests in the local music scene.

5. Regional organisations

  • Organisation internationale of la Francophonie (OIF): The Francophonie is also an institution, dedicated since 1970 to promoting the French language and political, educational, economic and cultural cooperation among the 88 member countries of the OIF, among which support for Cultural Diversity. Luxembourg is a member country of the OIF.
  • La Grande Region: compte un nombre important d’acteurs culturels : lieux de spectacles et festivals, institutions culturelles, entreprises, professionnels indépendants et artistes ou encore compagnies. Afin de les aider dans le développement de leurs projets de coopération et de mobilité transfrontalière, le GT Culture met à disposition des acteurs culturels un ensemble d’informations pratiques concernant la Grande Région.