Made by Sculptors? Forms of sculpture today

The title of this special Openbaar Kunstbezit in Vlaanderen issue is a translation of the title of the exhibition ‘Door beeldhouwers gemaakt’, held in 1978, 30 years before its publication, in the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, a landmark exhibition offering an appraisal of the post-minimalistic, post-conceptual and anti-form sculpture of the era.
Thirty years later, sculpture’s existence was being questioned. In September 2008, however, a number of Antwerp galleries, M HKA and the Middelheim Museum jointly organised the Antwerp open air sculpture show on the square between Vlaamse Kaai and Waalse Kaai, set up by Luc Deleu and his T.O.P. office. The word ‘sculpture’ prominently featured in the announcement, but it was not thought necessary to place it between quotation marks.