Re/set: share your ideas for restarting the arts sector

This summer, part of the arts field can go back to work. How do we do that in a safe, solidary, sustainable and fair manner? Inspire colleagues with your way of working, share your experience, ask questions, or respond to initiatives of others.
Back to work, how do you do it? Virtual, in the open air, in small groups? With new collaborations or alternative channels? Travel less, travel differently? Postpone, spread out? Individually or collectively? Better paid and differently financed? Are you still looking for a partner for a concrete initiative? Or do you have an inspiring example from abroad? Share all your ideas or questions in the Re/set-facebook group.
Important: your initiative must comply with the measures set out in the SECTORGUIDE (in Dutch). For the professional arts, there is a sector guide with more specific guidelines with which you can draw up your own organizational roadmap. More information can be found on the website of the CJM Department (on Dutch).
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