New compilation CD ‘Contemporary Folk from Flanders’

artwork (c) Tom Hautekiet
‘Contemporary Folk from Flanders’ is a new compilation CD with a broad view of folk music from Flanders. It was put together by Flanders Arts Institute in collaboration with fRoots Magazine on the occasion of a focus on Flanders during EFEX, the English Folk Expo. The tracks were selected by Ian Anderson, radio producer and editor of the international fRoots Magazine.
I have to say that I’m really excited by working through this. I always knew there was a constant stream of great music coming from there, but this is quite an amazing collection!
The compilation offers a broad and varied spectrum of modern folk music, with recent tracks by among others Naragonia Quartet, MANdolinMAN, Griff Trio, Novar, Trio Dhoore and Edwin Vanvinkenroye.
The compilation will be available as a free download with the October issue of fRoots, together with a focus article on the Flemish folk scene and additional information about the musicians and groups on the compilation.
The CD will also be used as a promotional tool at EFEX (English Folk Expo, from 15 until 17 October 2016) and at WOMEX (World Music Expo, from 19 until 23 October 2016). Music professionals visiting WOMEX can obtain a copy of the CD at the Flanders Arts Institute booth (1.09).
1. Naragonia Quartet – Hellebore / Too late to sleep
2. Snaarmaarwaar – Patrysse
3. Trio Dhoore – Chameleon
4. Wim Claeys – Kom zwijg ne keer
5. MANdolinMAN – Waltz Eppegem and Zemst
6. WÖR – Zerezo
7. Aurélie Dorzée, Tom Theuns – La nonchalante
8. I Fratelli Tarzanelli – La clermontoise
9. Surpluz – Amsterdam
10. Edwin Vanvinckenroye – Castar
11. Les Cerveaux Lents – Mbala
12. Griff Trio – Bargoensch drinklied
13. Anne Niepold & Gwen Cresens – In den Barbiekot
14. Broes – Winterland
15. Catherine Delasalle – Le 5ème élément
16. Novar – A kiss in Berlin / Novar
17. Cecilia – Brassless
18. GFVP – Wals voor Lotte en Alfons Deloor