NEW: TUESDAY TALKS: online talks about the future of culture

These are crucial months for artists and the entire cultural sector. Not only because of the coronavirus, but also with the new Arts Decree in sight. Together with rekto:verso and State of the Arts, Kunstenpunt organizes panel discussions every Tuesday.
In between all the virtual exploits of artists, the Tuesday Talks make time for dialogue and reflection. Each week, we talk for one hour about a pressing question with four speakers, each from their own living room. Live on Facebook. Asking questions is possible.
- When? Every Tuesday at 8 p.m.
- Where? On the Facebook page of Kunstenpunt (or rekto:verso, State of the Arts). You don’t need a Facebook account, you don’t need to sign up, you can just watch.
- Why? Kunstenpunt, State of the Arts and rekto:verso want to feed the debate on the arts, between loud protest in the street and silent consultation behind the scenes.
Enough to talk about, then. Especially in Dutch, sometimes in English. We do it without flogging each other with our prepackaged opinions, but hopefully together we can take a step forward.
Tuesday 5/5: How will artists survive the lockdown?
For artists and cultural workers, there is still a long way to go in this lockdown – at least until the end of August. What does that mean, both financially and artistically? A discussion about the current support measures and their gaps, the working conditions in the cultural sector and possible alternatives.
- Bart De Vos, assistant arts cabinet Jambon
- Saskia Liénard, international relations KVS and booking agent for actors/artists
- Eline De Clercq, visual artist
- Gerhard Verfaillie, director Cultural Centre Hasselt
- Moderator: Wouter Hillaert
Tuesday 12/5: How to think culture in a pandemic society?
For culture, ‘back to normal’ is still a far horizon, and one can doubt if it ever will get normal again. What do we learn from this existential period? How to use it to the better? What’s necessary to change? Which role to play in this new society and its future, to live with the virus?
- Rachida Aziz, opinion maker (Le Space)
- Agnes Quackels, co-director Kaaitheater
- An Vandermeulen, coordinator Globe Aroma
- Christophe Meierhans, performance artist
Tuesday 19/5: Wat is Vlaamse cultuur(politiek)?
The aim of Minister of Culture Jambon’s arts policy is to make Flanders shine again culturally, certainly abroad. What typifies Flanders? What exactly is the dream behind it? Why is the sector struggling with a canon or a Flemish agenda? About the complex relationship between Flemish-nationalism and art/culture (policy)
Tuesday 26/5: Why is bigger better?
Big art institutions are increasingly regarded by policymakers as the heart of the arts. Flemish Minister of Culture Jan Jambon, for example, is now also creating ‘core institutions’, the lines of which politicians will negotiate with. What is the benefit of this? And what is the potential danger? About the role of institutions, their relationship to artists and the limits of politicisation.