New card game “Three is a crowd” to collaborate better around space for art

Kaartspel Three is a crowd (c)Timelab
Space is crucial for the arts: from rehearsal spaces or studios where artists can work, to spaces where artists and audiences can meet. But space for the arts is also under increasing pressure. How do we provide space for artists or cultural organisations, whether or not in collaboration with socio-cultural associations or initiatives from other sectors? How can we as a city or cultural organisation develop a long-term perspective?
Three is a crowd
Flanders Arts Institute developed, together with Timelab, a new card game Three is a crowd. With this game, we want to make governments, private players, cultural organisations and others work together even better. The card game originated from the need for cooperation in space projects, but can be used for any project where players from different domains and sectors are looking for common ground. Whether you are playing with someone who is close to your point of view or has a completely different one, the game reveals what you can do together and where you can strengthen each other
Download the card game (in Dutch) here
Important: this game cannot be used for commercial purposes. Using the game for professional activities? Obtain a licence via Would you like to order a printed set of cards? Would you like guidance on how to play? Contact Timelab or Kunstenpunt at
Located in Ghent, timelab is a platform and a working place for artists who are especially concerned with technology and society. Its program comprises Belgium’s first real public fabLab, Make it!, where on Friday Open Lab Days people can come to realize their own designs. Apart from this public function the fabLab is also the place where new machines are being developed. It also includes an artists-in-residence programme, to which timelab invites artists from diverse backgrounds. For some of these artists the link with technology is all-important, whilst others start from a contemplative standpoint connected to art, technology and society. Important is the social research that is part of timelab’s workings: the Fabcases examine the social relevance of technology and of the Fablab/Timelab.