New submission round for innovative partner projects

The project 'Sound Atlas' by aifoon, S.M.A..K., Sint-Rafaƫl and Zicht op Cultuur got government support as innovative partner project in the previous round (c) Olivier Donnet
With this call for subsidy applications, the government aims to support innovative projects in which cultural organisations collaborate with a non-cultural partner. Subsidy applications must be submitted on or before 15 July 2020. Projects can run for a maximum of three years and are eligible for a subsidy of up to 80,000 euros. See this video for more information about the call for applications.
The Flanders department for culture, youth and media is planning an online info session about this subsidy line for 22 April 2020. The deadline for registration is Monday 20 April.
The Innovative Partner Projects subsidy call makes it possible for diverse cultural organisations to enter into partnerships with organisations from other sectors. Partner projects often open doors to other sectors usually closed to the cultural sector, and offer the resources and time to explore new topics and questions. Cultural organisations step out of their comfort zone and push their boundaries together with partners from known or unknown sectors.
The project subsidy runs for a maximum of three years and amounts to a maximum of 80,000 euros per project. Thus the minister envisages a subsidy of approximately 25,000 euros per year. The project in question is not eligible to receive double subsidies. The contribution of the non-cultural partner(s) must amount to at least 25% of the total costs.
A partner project consists of at least two partners, with at least one cultural partner and at least one non-cultural partner from another sector. Consult the regulations and the FAQ to see if your sector is eligible.
A combination of one or more cultural partner(s) and one or more non-cultural partner(s) is also possible. The cultural partner(s) and the non-cultural partner(s) can have diverse organisational forms (public or private) or include a natural person.
The following collaborations or projects are not eligible: projects at the end of studies, funded doctorates and academic research, restoration work and projects already underway at the time of the application.
The next deadline for submission for the innovative partner projects is 15 July 2020. To be eligible, projects must start from 1 December 2020 and end by 30 November 2023. Applications can now be submitted via the KIOSK website.
The Flanders department for culture, youth and media is planning an online info session about this subsidy line for 22 April 2020. The deadline for registration is Monday 20 April.
More information can be found on the Flanders culture, youth and media website.