Open call for musicians to apply for the Visa For Music (Rabat)

From 22 to 25 November 2017 Rabat is hosting the fourth edition of Visa For Music, the professional music meeting for Africa and the Middle East. Over the coming years Flanders Arts Institute / Kunstenpunt wishes to emphasize collaboration with the MENA region and offers the opportunity to Flemish music professionals to take part in the meeting and to a parallel programme that Flanders Arts Institute organises there during Visa For Music. We can offer support to a maximum of 8 music professionals.
Visa For Music (VFM) is the most important professional market for music in Africa. VFM mainly promotes music from Africa and the Middle East and welcomes professionals from all over the world to meet these musicians and their representatives and to forge collaborations. This showcase festival was born from a constatation that there is a vibrant artistic dynamic and musical creation by African and Middle-Eastern artists which at an international level is still not visible and recognised enough. To address this problem, Visa For Music offers 30 showcases, but also conferences, documentary projections, speed dating sessions and workshops.
Flanders Arts Institute organises a trip to Visa For Music and a parallel programme during Visa For Music for Flemish participants, consisting of professional network opportunities and work visits to several music organisations in Rabat and Casablanca. The activities include a visit to the Hiba Foundation in Casablanca, for instance, with their music studio and Renaissance cinema hall (that can be used for concerts as well), or the center for contemporary music Boultek, or l’Uzine, artistic work space that also presents concerts, among other cultural events.
Practical information
Flanders Arts Institute has space for a maximum of eight music professionals. Concretely, we are offering:
1. For people who are not structurally subsidised by the government or are subsidised below € 200,000:
- Reimbursement of travel costs (max. € 150)
- Reimbursement of hotel costs (max. € 150)
- Registration for Visa For Music
- Participation in the parallel programme
2. For structurally subsidised organisations (higher than € 200,000)
- Registration for Visa For Music
- Participation in the parallel programme
Applicants should be aware that they must:
- be available from 21 until 26 November 2017;
- have been active for three years at least in the Flemish music scene;
- have a clear motivation and future prospects regarding collaborations with partners from Morocco and/or other players from the MENA region;
- Knowledge of French is advisable;
- be ready to write a report about their participation after the event.