Join Flanders Arts Institute to Dream City (Tunis): open call for artists

Van 4 tot en met 8 oktober 2017 vindt in Tunis de zesde editie plaats van Dream City, multidisciplinaire biënnale van hedendaagse kunst in de publieke ruimte. Kunstenpunt wil de komende jaren inzetten op samenwerking met de MENA-regio en neemt met een kleine delegatie deel aan het festival. Kunstenpunt kan aan acht kunstenprofessionals ondersteuning bieden.
Dream City is organized by choreographers Selma and Soufiane Ouissi and their Association L’Art Rue. The festival takes place in the Medina in Tunis and focuses on the intense and sustainable relationship between the artist and the context of the Medina. Artists are encouraged to create new work in close relation with the neighbourhood and its inhabitants. Jan Goossens, ex-director of KVS and current director of festival de Marseille, co-curates for the second time. During our visit we will immerse ourselves in het festival, and we plan some reflection sessions.
We provide maximum € 250 per person as a contribution to the travel costs. For artists or organisations that do not benefit from structural support, we will provide accommodation for 6 nights. Applicants should be aware that this open call is meant for artists (performing arts, visual arts, music), programmers, curators, art critics and other art professionals. Applicants must:
- be available from 4 until 8 October 2017 (outward journey on the 3rd and return on the 9th of October 2017);
- have been active for 3 years at least in the field of the Flemish arts;
- have a clear motivation and future prospects regarding collaborations with partners from Tunisia and/or other players from the MENA region;
- be ready to write a report about their participation after the event.
Knowledge of French is also appropriate.
Interested parties can apply up to and including 4 August 2017 via this application form. The applications will be evaluated by Jan Goossens (curator Dream City and Festival de Marseille), Sofiane Ouissi (L’Art Rue – Dream City), Lissa Kinnaer and Marijke De Moor (Flanders Arts Institute / Kunstenpunt).