How to contact Flanders Arts Institute? Discover all measures here

Out of concern for the community in which we live and work: Flanders Arts Institute is cancelling all its activities until June 8 in order to help contain the corona virus. Flanders Arts Institute aims to play its part in fighting the spread of the Covid-19 virus. All planned activities up to and including June 8 will be cancelled, postponed or (preferably) given a different format via online meetings.
Events and visitor programmes
To limit the further spread of the corona virus, all events scheduled between 13 March and 8 June 2020 will be postponed or cancelled. If you are registered for one of our activities, you will receive a personal e-mail about this. We are unable to say anything about activities after 8 June; we are awaiting guidelines from the government.
Have questions about one of our events? Please send a message to
Contacting Flanders Arts Institute between 13 March and June 8.
The entire Flanders Arts Institute team will be working from home in the coming weeks. The offices are closed until 8 June. Our colleagues can be reached by e-mail or telephone. (The list with addresses is available here.)
Trying to call us but no one is answering? If urgent, you can also contact our communication officer (Anneliese) at 0495/200453.
Library and meeting rooms
The library and meeting rooms will be closed from 13 March to 8 June.
Additional information about Covid-19 from the Department of Culture
The Department of Culture, Youth and Media of the Flemish government has made available on a website all information related to the virus. This website also contains an up-to-date list of frequently asked questions relevant to colleagues in the cultural sector.
The State of the Arts/SOTA freelancers hotline aims to collect as many testimonials as possible to support our call for aid from the various Belgian governments. Sharing your story will make it clear that the already precarious position of artists and art workers has deteriorated even further due to recent events.