Join the multidisciplinary working visit to Prague and Brno

Meetfactory, multidisciplinair kunstencentrum in Praag (c) Meetfactory
What: a multidisciplinary working visit to Prague and Brno (2 – 5 April 2018) to discover the cities’ dynamic art scenes and have possible exchanges.
Programme: meetings with artists, visits to prominent institutions and organisations as well as emerging art spaces. Apart from the multidisciplinary activities we’ve arranged tailor-made programmes per discipline (music, performing arts, visual arts). The visit to Brno is optional, please let us know if you’re interested.
For whom: artists and art professionals (curators, programmers, managers, producers,…) from all disciplines (music, performing arts, visual arts).
Interested parties:
- have been actively involved in the Flanders/Brussels for at least three years.
- have a clear motivation and vision of the future concerning exchange with the art scene in Prague and/or Brno
- are willing to write a short report
- are available during the whole period