Take part in the On Marche festival: open call for performing-arts professionals
The 12th edition of On Marche – a nomadic festival for contemporary dance – will take place in Marrakech from 3 until 11 March 2017. Over the coming years Flanders Arts Institute wishes to emphasise collaboration with the MENA region and will take part in the festival with a small delegation: we can offer support to five performing-arts professionals.
We provide € 300 per person as a contribution to the travel costs. For artists or organisations that do not benefit from structural support, we will provide accommodation.
The programme – composed by Taoufiq Izeddiou (choreographer and artistic director of the festival) and Nedjma Hadj Benchelabi (dance curator) – brings together young talent and established names from Morocco, the Arab world and beyond. On Marche takes place at various venues across the city and in the public space. The programme consists of performances, content-related sessions and networking events.
Applicants should be aware that they must:
- be available from 7 until 12 March 2017;
- have been active for 3 years at least in the field of the Flemish (performing) arts;
- have a clear motivation and future prospects regarding collaborations with partners from Morocco and/or other players from the MENA region;
- be ready to write a report about their participation after the event.
This call was closed on 5 February last. Applications can no longer be sent.
The applications were evaluated by Nedjma Hadj Benchelabi (On Marche, AD’HOC Platform), Laila Hida (Le 18) and Marijke De Moor (Flanders Arts Institute).
Click here to view the complete programme (pdf).