Ann Veronica Janssens, Alex Verhaest, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and Studio Orka receive a Cultural Award
During a live show at Tour & Taxis last night, the Flemish Community awarded the Ultimas 2022 . There were 13 laureates for the annual Flemish Cultural Awards, in as many categories. They received recognition for their merit in the socio-cultural sector. Congratulations to all laureates!
The 2022 Awards list (in Dutch)
- Algemene Culturele Verdienste: Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui
- Amateurkunsten: Brassband Willebroek
- Architectuur en Toegepaste Kunsten: Marie-José Van Hee
- Beeldende Kunst: Ann Veronica Janssens
- Circus: ADM-VZW
- Digitale Kunst: Alex Verhaest
- Film & Visuele Media: Angelo Tijssens
- Letteren: Joke van Leeuwen
- Muziek: Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul
- Podiumkunsten: Studio Orka
- Roerend en Immaterieel Erfgoed: Klaroenblazers van de Last Post
- Sociaal-Cultureel Volwassenenwerk: Sankaa vzw
- Publieksprijs: Vergeet Barbara – Studio 100

The tradition of awarding the Flemish culture prizes originated in 2003. Since then, the Flemish government has awarded 12 prizes each year, in as many categories, to leading artists, performers, organisations or companies. The laureates are chosen by a jury of experts.
All laureates received a physical award on 16 May, crafted by visual artist Daan Gielis. There is also a cash prize of 10,000 euros for each laureate. The exception is the winner of the Ultima for General Cultural Merit, who receives a sum of €20,000 to crown an integral career.