Workshop: Making (Civil) Space for Art, in between Communities, State and Market

The search for affordable space with a long-term perspective in the arts always takes place in a sphere of forces between the government, the construction and real estate sector and the initiative of artists and citizens.
Flanders Arts Institute has analysed these complex interactions by investigating 10 cases (Co-Post, Casco, AAIR, Endeavour, Werkplaats Walter, Post Collective, Nucleo, Commons Josaphat, Zeezin, Permanent), and has developed a diagram to make these interactions, in which sustainable and affordable alternatives are developed, readable.
14:00 – 16:00
-Framework on affordable and long term perspective by use of cases (Dirk De Wit)
-Presentation of one case in depth: Casco Leuven (Mirthe Demaerel)
-Lessons learned (about availability and instrumentalisation) and introduction to the diagram ‘government-market-community’ (Simon Leenknegt)
-Questions and debate
(short break)
subthemes in working groups
Beyond Building
This workshop is organised within the framework of the Summerschool Beyond Building (9-12 September 2021), organised by Permanent in collaboration with Kaaitheater in Brussels.
Target audience?
A workshop for professionals in arts and culture, social sector, law, politics, city administration, architecture, real estate, social economy,…
How to register?
Registration for this workshop will open mid August