Working visit to Bucharest

performance van Erika en Dragos Olea van kunstenaarscollectief Apparatus 22 (Boekarest, Brussel)
Flanders Arts Institute organises a working visit from 20 to 22 February to Bucharest for art professionals active in visual arts, performance art and sound art.
For this visit, we’ve invited artist duo Erika Olea & Dragos Olea from Apparatus 22 (active in Bucharest and Brussels) to put an itinerary together.
The Bucharest art scene is very dynamic, consisting of important institutions as well as emerging initiatives by artists. The architecture and city-planning are determinant and inspire artistic interventions. This working visit focusses on visual arts, performance arts (on the intersection of visual and performing arts) and sound art. The delegation consist of a selection of artists, programmers, curators, producers and researchers:
Tom Bonte (general and artistic director of Beursschouwburg), Isabel Van Bos (curator, researcher and coordinator of STRT Kit), Gatien Du Bois (independent curator, writer, critic and researcher), Stijn Demeulenaere (sound-artist, radio maker, searching musician and field recordist), Christoph De Boeck (sound artist and artistic co-director of Overtoon), Ruben Vermeersch (film and television maker), Roel Heremans (artist working in the intersection between image, sound, movement and environment), Annelies Nagels (writer, curator and head of exhibitions De Warande), Stijn Maes (producer and artistic director of KRIEG), Bart Van Dijck (multidisciplinary artist), Danielle van Zuijlen (curator, advisor and artistic coordinator Kunsthal), Casper Fitzhue (visual artist and short form writer), Roxane Bovet (researcher, curator, writer and publisher), Ecaterina Vidick (production and tour manager at Hiatus / Daniel Linehan), Lissa Kinnaer (international relations for visual arts at the Flanders Arts Institute) and Dirk De Wit (coordinator of visual arts and international relations of the Flanders Arts Institute).
This working visit takes places during a mini-conference on the position of the arts within the political and cultural climate. The programme features visits to institutions, organisations and artistic interventions within the city as wel as individual meetings with artists.
The work visit in Bucharest is focused on visual arts, dance, performance, sound art and architecture/public space with the following organizations on the program: StudioBasar, architect Stefan Ghenciulescu, architect, Suprainfinit Gallery, ODD, Anca Poterasu Gallery, MNAC,, Șelari Artist Studios, CNDB – National Dance Centre, Salonul de Proiecte, Future Museum, Sambata Sonora, Sillyconductor and several artist studios
This trip is organised within the context of Europalia Romania 2019.
More information
Contact Dirk De Wit for further questions