Working visit to Amman, Ramallah, Jerusalem and Haifa

(c) Amman Design Week
Together with artist Samah Hijawi, Flanders Arts Institute organises a multi-city trip to meet artists, theater makers, musicians and cultural organisations working in Amman, Ramallah, Jerusalem and Haifa.
While their constellation across geo-political boundaries attributes these cities to different countries, their stories are very much connected. Over the period of seven days the trip will begin in Amman, from where we will travel by land via the Allenby Bridge to Ramallah, followed by a stop in Jerusalem and we will end the trip in Haifa.
Flanders Arts Institute organises working visits to a city, or to several cities, to give the opportunity for artists and art professionals working in Flanders, Belgium, to expand their network and to share knowledge with peers in other regions of the world. In the last few years Flanders Arts Institute focused on dialogue and exchange with the Middle East, North Africa and South-East Europe. The reason for this specific focus comes from a shared need to (re)consider artistic collaboration between different parts of the world, North-South relations, and the notion of a ‘here and there’ as an open space for common dialogue between different cultures and different continents.
This year, together with artist Samah Hijawi, we are organising a multi-city trip to meet artists, theater makers, musicians and cultural organisations working in Amman, Ramallah, Jerusalem and Haifa. The aim of the trip is to meet new people, reconnect with people we previously met, share practices, and hopefully make interesting connections for future encounters.