Theatre for young audiences (ZA)

ASSITEJ, acronym of Association International du Theatre pour l’ Enfance et la Jeunesse, is a worldwide performing-arts network for children and young people, established in 1965. It unites professionals, stimulates the exchange of knowledge and artistic practices and champions children’s and young people’s right to culture. The South African Yvette Hardie is its current chair.
In May 2017, ASSITEJ South Africa, in partnership with the National Arts Council of South Africa, will host ‘Cradle of Creativity’, an event comprising a theatre festival, a conference and world congress, all dedicated to theatre for young audiences. ‘Cradle of Creativity’ will be held in Cape Town (ZA), for the first time on the African continent.
At the time of writing the ASSITEJ network counts 83 members, among which Belgium. ASSITEJ Belgium was founded two years ago by Flanders Arts Institute, Wallonie-Bruxelles Théâtre/Danse and a number of organisations in the performing-arts field from the three communities: KOPERGIETERY, HETPALEIS, Theater De Spiegel, Krokusfestival, Cie de la Casquette, Les Pieds dans le Vent, La Guimbarde, Agora Theater and Théâtre de la Galafronie.