Sector Meeting New Music – about publishing your music

Ictus Ensemble
Is there still a future for CDs? Do we want to surf along on the vinyl revival? Embrace streaming or avoid it altogether? And how do we create a fair climate for artists? These and other questions will be addressed during the new music sector meeting at the Belgian Music Days.
13:45 Doors open
14:00 Welcome
14:10 Facts & figures (Kunstenpunt (Flanders Arts Institute))
14:30 Keynote Esther Gottschalk (ECSA) on fair practice in publishing music
15:00 Coffee break (with information market)
15:30 Book Presentation ‘The Guidebook to Self-Releasing Your Music’ by Matthew Whiteside
16:15 Coffee break (with information market)
16:45 Panel discussion: publishing music on cd, vinyl and through streaming
From idea to concept, from recording to release on CD, LP or an online platform. How do you proceed once you’ve planted the seed to release your music? These will be the themes we’ll discuss with our panelists who are members of an ensemble, composers or artists. We’ll search for good practices, try to identify pitfalls, and to find the key to successful partnerships. Or should you become your own publisher?
Panel members: Ann Eysermans, Gerrit Geerts, Bruno Letort en McCloud Zicmuse.
17:30 End of the programme
The presentations will be held in English.
Practical Details
February 15th 2024
Petite salle / Tentoonstellingshal, Royal Conservatory Brussels (Regentschapsstraat/Rue de la Régence 30)
Attending the sector meeting is free of charge, but registration is required using this link.

Following the sector meeting it is possible to attend the concerts of Ictus Ensemble (at 18:30) and of the Belgian National Orchestra (at 20:00) in the framework of the Belgian Music Days at BOZAR. You can order your tickets on the website of the Belgian Music Days or Bozar.
This sector meeting is an initiative of ISCM-Flanders in cooperation with Flanders Arts Institute, Forum de la Création Musicale and ComAV and takes place within the 4th Belgian Music Days festival.