Orientation trip for visual art professionals to Zimbabwe and South Africa

The Orientation Trips are aimed at exchange and cooperation between visual art professionals. The goal of this Orientation Trip is to extend international networks and contacts, and to stimulate the international dialogue between art professionals.
The group will visit South Africa (Johannesburg and Cape Town) and Zimbabwe (Harare and Bulawayo). During the trip a blog will be updated.
Participants 2018
Anke Bangma (director TENT, Rotterdam), Frédérique Bergholtz (director If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution, Amsterdam), Ane Bülow (Danish Arts Foundation), Birgit Donker (Mondriaan Fund), Olivia Fahmy (curator, Lausanne), Doris Gassert (curator Fotomuseum Winterthur), Anders Jensen (Holstebro Art Museum), Patricia Kaersenhout (visual artist), Lissa Kinnaer (Flanders Arts Institute), Helena Kritis (Beursschouwburg, Brussels), Kit Leunbach (Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen), Anette Østerby (Danish Arts Foundation), Haco de Ridder (Mondriaan Fund), Florian Weigl (curator V2_, Lab for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam), Farren van Wyk (visual artist) and Annet Zondervan (director CBK Zuidoost, Amsterdam).
Flanders Arts Institute has been participating since 2007 in the orientation trip organised annually by the Dutch Mondriaan Fund, in collaboration with the Danish Arts Foundation and the Swiss Pro Helvetia.