Art Heritage Meeting Day

20 Mar 2025
Network meeting Brussels
Artists leave a lot of valuable traces. How do we safeguard their archives, collections and practices?

Guy Rombouts in M HKA © Koen Wessing

Artists leave a lot of valuable traces. How do we safeguard their archives, collections and practices? And who do we involve? The policy process on ‘Arts Heritage’ provided answers and new insights. The Department of Culture, FARO and Flanders Arts Institute will share these during a meeting on March 20. We will also discuss the challenges for the future with the sector.

Today’s art becomes tomorrow’s heritage. This requires care and attention to everything an artist leaves behind. It is not just about the oeuvre, but also the archive, documentation and artist’s practice.

Language: Dutch

Where and When?

Thursday March 20

Location: Marie-Elisabeth Belpairegebouw in Brussels

Register here (free entrance)

Programme (in Dutch)

9.30 uurOntvangst met koffie 
10.00 uurWelkomstwoordCarolien Coenen
Afdelingshoofd Cultuur
Departement Cultuur, Jeugd en Media
10.10 uurPresentatie resultaten traject Kunstenerfgoed Laurence De Bolle, Katelijne 
Lindemans en Kübra Avci, 
Departement Cultuur, Jeugd en Media
Jelena Dobbels, FARO
Tom Ruette, Kunstenpunt
11.10 uurPerformance: VOICE WITH NOISE van Leon RogissartBNA-BBOT
11.50 uurGetuigenis pilootproject artistiek nalatenschap Ado HamelryckEddie Guldolf
Olivia Puzzolante, ECRU
12.20 uurAfronding voormiddagprogrammaLaurence De Bolle, Departement
Cultuur, Jeugd en Media
12.30 uurVegetarische lunch 
13.45 uurWerksessies: ronde 1
Keuze uit 7 sessies
15.00 uurPauze 
15.15 uurWerksessies: ronde 2
Keuze uit 7 sessies
16.30 uurNetwerkreceptie