Theatre Texts from the Lowlands at DramatikerInnenfestival

Internationale uitwisseling op DramatikerInnen Festival 2018.
Each year in June the DramatikerInnenfestival takes place in Graz (Austria), an international meeting for theatre writers and professionals organised by uniT and Schauspielhaus Graz. For the first time, the German-speaking audience (consisting of directors, dramaturges, press, publishers and more) will be able to discover translated Dutch-language theatre texts during six staged text readings.
These lectures will be performed by local directors and actors and are coordinated by Schauspielhaus and Uni-T. The authors of the six texts will be present and given the opportunity to explain their work and make new contacts.
The six texts that received a full translation into German:
- Bij het kanaal naar links [Turn left at the canal] – Alex van Warmerdam
- MEN. de mening herzien [MEN: The opinion reconsidered] – BOG.
- Aperçu de l’Inconnu [Overview of the unknown]- Michael Bijnens
- Wij / Zij [Us/Them] – Carly Wijs
- True colors – Maaike Bergstra
- The Nation – Eric De Vroedt (winner of Toneelschrijfprijs playwright award)
The DramatikerInnenfestival also chose to programme two performances from the Low Lands: Conversation with the rain (original: Gesprek met de regen) by Stijn Devillé (metropolitan) and The automated sniper by Julian Hetzel (Frascati Theater Amsterdam).
More Theatre Texts from the Lowlands
This focus at Graz is part of an international project by Flanders Arts Institute, Flanders Literature and Dutch Performing Arts to give theatre authors and texts from Flanders and the Netherlands more international visibility through translations, workshops and promotional events abroad