Rewatch: info session on grants and project subsidy (15 september 2021)

On 18 August, Flanders Arts Institute organized an online information session for artists and organizations that want to submit an application within the Arts Decree, together with our partners Cultuurloket, VI.BE and VAI. Rewatch and download our information brochure below.
1. Live Q&A (in Dutch & English)
Flanders Arts Institute, Cultuurloket, VI.BE and VAI answered the most common questions about submitting an application within the Arts Decree (deadline: 15 September 2021). Read this brochure with the information about the Arts Decree, containing relevant basic information.
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2. Webinar: budgeting (in English)
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Do you still have a question after attending the information session? Then email your question to
Important: artistic-content or strategic questions about your individual case can unfortunately not be answered in the three sessions.
10u: Q&A grants and project subsidies
Depending on your own situation and artistic plans, you can apply for a grant or a project subsidy within the Arts Decree. Kunstenpunt will answer your questions about applying for subsidies. Read below where you can find all the information you need to prepare.*
The Q&A will be in Dutch, but you will be able to ask questions in English (which will be answered in English).
11u – 12u10: Interactive workshops
Using a number of fictional but realistic examples, we explore the possibilities of the Arts Decree, with a focus on projects and short-term grants. In this way you will quickly get to grips with thinking about functions, disciplines and self-profiling within the Arts Decree. After each case study there is room for questions.
The interactive workshops are led by Flanders Arts Institute and the organizing partners.
You will be able to choose between a Dutch and an English spoken workshop.
14u30: Webinar Budgeting + Q&A
How do I budget and estimate my project? The budget is an important part of your project file. It must be transparent, credible and solidly based, and must be submitted in a pre-established table. In this session we will guide you through the different sections of the project budget. We outline the pitfalls and give tips and tricks. During the webinar, we will also indicate how you can make the translation from your own budget to the completion document for your project dossier.
Cultuurloket answers your questions about correct budgeting live.
Registrations are closed.