Info and writing session European Brexit funds for cultural sector

Franz Wender
Wil je snel en efficiënt een project in het Verenigd Koninkrijk op de rails zetten met behulp van Europese financiering? Wil je meer info over de EU-subsidie Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR)? Heb je nood aan inspiratie en wil je graag van gedachten wisselen met experten? Kom aan je dossier werken tijdens onze BAR info- en schrijfsessie!
On January 1, 2021, the United Kingdom left the European Union for good. Many Flemish organizations have been affected by the (trade) obstacles created by the UK’s departure from the customs union and the internal market. To limit the negative impact, the European Union has allocated the Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR) to the member states. BAR funds provide support to projects of affected organizations from all sectors. Applications are made through VLAIO.
Are you selling far fewer tickets in the UK for the festival you are organizing? Call on the BAR to set up a promotional campaign in the UK.
Does the cooperation with the UK become more difficult for your ensemble and do you want to look into new markets? Thanks to the BAR, you can partially recover the operating costs of an agent or manager in a new territory you will be working in.
At the BAR info and writing session, we combine a short info session about the BAR resources with a practical part where you can write your project file together with experts of Vlaio, CJM, Circus Center, Kunstenpunt, VI.BE, Faro and Cultuurloket.
Are you unsure whether your project idea is eligible for a grant from the BAR? Our BAR experts will be happy to help you with this too!
During the day, you can seek advice on your project idea, its implementation and the funding opportunities offered by the BAR. You can even submit an initial application in VLAIO’s e-desk at the end of the day. This way you can already make project expenses and be sure that your project is well on track. We will provide writing materials. Bring your own laptop.
14h: Introduction by Myrthe Pieniakowski (DCJM)
14.05h: Information session BAR-funds + best practicies by Alexander De Graeve (VLAIO)
14.30h: Writing session
17.30h: End
Please note that this session will be in Dutch.
Where and when
Tuesday 31st of Januari 2023, 14h – 17h30
Locatieon: Anna Bijnsgebouw (VAC Antwerpen) – lokaal 02.16b – Lange Kievitstraat 111-113, 2018 Antwerp
Register for this session by sending an e-mail to Myrthe Pieniakowski with your name, your organisation and the area in which you are active.
Participation is free, but spots are limited.
(If you are unable to attend please let us know no later than Monday, Jan. 30)