Highlights from the Lowlands: visitor’s programme during Het TheaterFestival 2018

Flanders Arts Institute, TheaterFestival Flanders and Dutch Performing Arts are joining forces in organising an international visitors’ programme during the next TheaterFestival to be held in Antwerp (BE).
Highlights from the Lowlands is the ideal opportunity to quickly become familiar with an intriguing selection of Flemish and Dutch performing arts productions. The visitors’ programme exclusively targets programmers with a focus on theatre and performance.
The programme includes reflection and inspiration on ‘new-urban creation’, as well as a programme curated by Dries Douibi (Beursschouwburg, Brussels), Marieke De Munck (Vooruit, Ghent), Viktorien Van Hulst (Boulevard Festival, ‘s Hertogenbosch) and Inge Koks (Podium Mozaïek, Amsterdam), different meeting moments and performances from the TheaterFestival’s selection.
Thursday 6 September
In the morning, we start with pitches by Ahilan Ratnamohan, Lizzie Timmers, Sahand Sahebdivani and Aurelie Di Marino and a showcase of Let us believe in the beginning of the cold season by Sachli Gholamalizad. We will also visit an open rehearsal of Hamlet by Lisaboa Houbrechts, one of the P.U.L.S.-makers of Toneelhuis (a trajectory in which four young theatre directors question, investigate and perform on the big stage).
In the afternoon, Het Bos will welcome us for a reflection programme about new-urban creation, curated by Sofie Joye (Flanders Arts Institute) in cooperation with Quinsy Gario and with contributions by A School Called Tribe, Het Bos, Mama’s Open Mic, Mestizo Arts Festival/WIPcoop, Sorry vzw and Chris Keulemans.
Friday 7 September
We start the day with a network brunch, hosting a large number of companies and colleagues from the ‘lowlands’. Afterwards we will explore the performance ONE by BOG/Lisa Verbelen and have a guided visit to the exhibition Sanguine/Bloedrood. Luc Tuymans on Baroque at M HKA.
22h00 PERMANENT DESTRUCTION – The SK Concert by Naomi Velissariou – De Studio
Saturday 8 September
We will visit the vibrant city of Ghent. Some of the city residents of Vooruit will welcome us in the morning: Simon Allemeersch/Lucinda Ra, Elly Van Eeghem, Peter Aers, Maria Lucia Cruz Correia and Haider Al Timimi. In the afternoon, we move to NTGent, to listen to their new plans and to other Ghent-related artists such as Stephan Bläske, Roland Gunst, Julian Hetzel & Floris Van Delft. In the afternoon CAMPO welcomes us for the newest show of Louis Vanhaverbeke: Mikado Remix.
In the evenings, you attend performances of the TheaterFestival’s selection:
- Amnes(t)ie – Action Zoo Humain,
- Brother Blue – Maxim Storms,
- 21 pornographies – Mette Ingvartsen,
- Voicing Pieces – Begüm Erciyas,
- CONVERSATIONS (at the end of the world) – A Two Dogs Company / Kris Verdonck & Het Zuidelijk Toneel,
- HOUSE – Ariah Lester
- Requiem pour L. – Alain Platel & Fabrizio Cassol/les ballets C de la B/Festival de Marseille/Berliner Festspiele
- Kuzikiliza – Pitcho Womba Konga.
Those who arrive on the 5th can also attend Poquelin II by tg STAN (subtitled in English) and those who stay on the 9th can attend the film/concert Egged On by Music by Cinemaximiliaan or The Nation by Eric De Vroedt/Het Nationale Theater
The programme contains a selection of contemporary Flemish and Dutch performing arts with an international potential. We will also bring you to a number of inspiring art spaces in Antwerp and have a trip to Ghent. International programmers will attend a large number of performances and presentations in a short period of time and will personally get to know Flemish and Dutch artists and companies.
Practical information
This visitors’ programme is aimed at programmers and directors of performing arts festival and venues only. As an international presenter, you will receive free tickets for the visitors’ programme and the performances on 6, 7 and 8 September of the official selection, complimentary lunches and dinners, and three hotel nights. In return, we ask that you are present during the entire programme and performances of TheaterFestival Flanders.