Visitors programme Plat(e)form(e) during Kunstenfestivaldesarts

Plat(e)form(e) 2022 (c) Jerôme Van Belle
Join a focused three-day programme during Kunstenfestivaldesarts for peer to peer meetings and discover the unique performing arts scene of Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels.
Plat(e)form(e) was born from a desire to support and highlight the local performing arts scene. By drawing on the presence of international professionals we hope to promote new networks and lasting exchanges.
Plat(e)form(e) presents performances, works in progress and pitches by artists. Through discussions and feedback sessions, we want to open a temporary space for mutual learning and reflection on what it means to create and present (inter)nationally today.
What does our current performing arts scene look like and what are its conditions? What are our collective and individual realities today? How can we work and collaborate to create a sustainable sector? During these days we open the possibility to tackle these current issues and learn from each other’s methods, strategies and experiences.
Join us!
We happily invite international professionals from the performing arts field to apply and to join the program from May 16-18, 2023 in Brussels.
We are looking for professionals in the performing arts (programmers, directors, festival organizers, tour managers,…) with an interest to discover and reflect upon new work made in Belgium. There are 30 places available and the preference goes to participants who can stay the full three days (this can be evaluated in cases of impasses).
If there are more applications than spaces available, a selection will be made based on the motivation letter of the candidates. The jury that will read the applications is composed out of: Kunstenpunt, Kunstenfestivaldesarts and Wallonie-Bruxelles Théâtre Danse.
Applications are now closed.
Selected artists for the presentations
- Jorre Vandenbussche / Vitus
- Joshua Serafin / PEARLS
- Arno Ferrera / ARMOUR
- Erika Zueneli and Laura Simi / Saraband
- Enkidu Khaled / دنيا حوته / Donja Hota
- Jeanne Colin / Abysses
- Sana Ghobbeh / The Ferris
- Youness Khoukhou / Naked Journey
- Rakesh Sukesh / because I love the diversity (micro-attitude we all have it)
- Oxana Sankova / The poem without a hero
10:00 Check in Morning coffee Café Alcantara
10:30 Welcome Introduction to the programme of Plat(e)form(e) 2023 followed by a presentation of the venue Kunstenwerkplaats by artistic director Karlien Vanhoonacke Café Alcantara
11:15 Warm Up Techno Meditation with Lisa Vereertbrugghen
11:30 Exchange Who is visiting/presenting?
What is your working/artistic context?
Hopes & expectations on Plat(e)form(e) 2023?
Casablanca 3rd floor
12:15 Input & discussion Keynote on funding opportunities for international
programmers by Femke Hintjens (Flanders Arts Institute) followed by a thematic group discussion (needs,
problems, tips etc.) Casablanca 3rd floor
13:30 Lunch Zabriskie
14:30-17:30 Sharings – Presentations by 5 selected artists:
14:30 Sana Ghobbeh: The Ferris wheel turns when the wind blows Elsenor 4th floor
15:00 Arno Fererra & Gilles Polet: Armour Arenberg 1st floor
15:30 Joshua Serafin: Pearls Elsenor 4th floor
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break Café Alcantara
16:30 Jorre Vandenbussche: Vitus – The disease dances me Arenberg 1st floor
17:00 Oxana Sankova: The poem without a hero Elsenor 4th floor
17:30-18:30 Fade out Apéro/Exchange with the artists & the programmers Café Alcantara
20:30 Evening show Blind Runner – Amir Reza Koohestani / Mehr Theatre Group
Location: Théâtre Les Tanneurs, Rue des Tanneurs/
Huidevettersstraat 75, 1000 Brussels
11:00 Check in Meeting programmers & selected artists Plat(e)form(e) 2023 with the associated artists of Grand Studio Ground floor
11:15 Installation Artist in residency Mauro Pacagnella presents his project “Wooshing Machine présente Non-Creativity Factory” – A documentary performative installation Ground floor
11:30 Welcome Presentation of the venue Grand Studio
by Ivan-Vincent Massey and Benoit Marcandella First floor
12:00 Lunch Wedding Table
13:30 Walk to La Raffinerie Afternoon: La Raffinerie/Charleroi danse
14:00 Arrival & Welcome @ La Raffinerie
14:30-17:30 Sharings Presentations by 5 selected artists:
14:30 Erika Zueneli/Laura Simi: Saraband
Salle Polyvalente / Ground floor
15:00 Enkidu Khaled & Leila Anderson:
Donja Hota /Loft 5th floor
15:30 Youness Khoukhou: Naked Journey
Salle Polyvalente / Ground floor
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 Jeanne Colin: Abysses Loft / 5th floor
17:00 Rakesh Sukesh & Alessia Wyss: Because I love the Diversity (micro-attitude, we all have it)
Salle Polyvalente / Ground floor
17:30-18:30 Fade out Apéro/Exchange with the artists & the programmers
Bar Raffinerie
Dinner catering by PinPon will be available in La Raffinerie
before the evening show of Lara Barsacq.
20:30 Evening show La Grande Nymphe – Lara Barsacq
Location: La Raffinerie, Rue de Manchester/
Manchesterstraat 21, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean/
10:00 Check in Morning coffee
10:30-10:45 Plat(e)form(e) meets Producers’ Academy – Welcome @ Les Halles followed by a Presentation
of the Producers’ Academy organised by Cifas in cooperation with Kunstenfestivaldesarts
10:45-13:00 Spotlight: The Fair Arts Almanac Presentation of the Fair Arts Almanac established by SOTA followed by a peer to peer exchange + mindmapping on the 12 chapters / presented and moderated by Nicolas Y. Galeazzi
13:00-14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:00 Feedback Exchange/Feedback between Plat(e)form(e) visitors + artists
Check-out with everyone
20:30 Evening show Libya – Radouan Mriziga
Location: Mercerie, Rue Van Artevelde/
Arteveldestraat 70, 1000 Brussels