Visitor’s program Nora Razian (curator Sursock Museam, Beirut)

Nora Razian is the Head of Programs and Exhibitions at the Sorsock Museum in Beirut, where she curates the museum’s temporary exhibitions, public programs and film programme, and initiates collaborations with other arts organizations. Before joining the Museum in 2015, she was curator of public programmes at Tate Modern and Tate Britain.
She has also taught at Goldsmiths’ College Centre for Arts and Learning. Recent exhibitions include Maha Maamoun: The Law of Existence (2017), Let’s Talk About the Weather: Art and Ecology in a Time of Crisis (2016), and Ali Cherri: A Taxonomy of Fallacies (2016).
About the tailor-made programmes for individuals
Every year, curators and programme directors from abroad are invited by Flanders Arts Institute to visit the contemporary visual and performing art scene in Flanders and Brussels, Belgium.
They are offered a tailor-made programme in which they meet artists and other art professionals. Included are visits to artists, museums, arts centres and galleries. The programme is prepared in close consultation with the curators and takes account of their wishes.
In addition they are put in touch with artists and organisations that are not so well known at international level. This way, Flanders Arts Institute tries to increase the knowledge about the Flemish contemporary art scene and enhance its position abroad. Each visit generally lasts three to four days, unless there are reasons that require a longer stay.
For whom?
This programme is intended for art professionals in the visual, audiovisual and/or media art sector, including curators, critics or researchers. The goal is to maintain a balance between young upcoming, freelance and established art professionals associated with major art institutions, biennials, festivals, universities and magazines.
Get in touch with Lissa Kinnaer for more information on our international visitors’ programme visual arts, and with Milica Ilic for more information on our international visitors’ programme performing arts.