Belgium Booms pop & rock showcases at Reeperbahn Festival (DE)

Cocaine Piss (c) Toutpartout
Reeperbahn, het grootste club- & showcasefestival in Duitsland, ontvangt naast 37.000 muziekliefhebbers ook jaarlijks zo’n 3.500 professionals. Overdag pakt het festival uit met tal van debatten, presentaties en netwerkmomenten. ’s Avonds kun je op zoek naar nieuw muzikaal talent.
This year following Belgian bands are represented at Reeperbahn: Brutus, Chantal Acda, Cocaine Piss, J. Bernardt, Millionaire en Oscar and The Wolf.
Kunstenpunt/Flanders Arts Institute will again be present to support the Belgian bands that are selected for the showcase programme with a Belgium Booms campaign. Belgium Booms is a collaboration between Flanders Arts Institute/Kunstenpunt and Wallonie-Bruxelles Musiques, with the support of SABAM for Culture. It gives Belgian music professionals a helping hand in their international development and promotes Belgian artists at showcase festivals, organizes network meetings, publishes promotional material, sends out info to selected pros, etc.Brutus (c) Eva Vlonk
Flanders Arts Institute – together with WBM – invite you to join us for a network drink (invitation only via Nico Kennes) at Reeperbahn 2017. Below you’ll find more information, together with the line-up of Belgian showcases.