
Kunstenpunt Office (c) Anne van der Pot
International staff members
In case of specific questions, please contact our international staff members directly:
Reachability and accessibility
The Ravenstein Gallery is located between Brussels-Central and the BOZAR museum. Walk down the corridor of the Ravenstein Gallery (away from Brussels-Central station and towards BOZAR) until you come to a rotunda, a round room on the ground floor. In that roundabout, our entrance is the second glass door on the left. If the door is closed, feel free to ring the bell.
Our offices are accessible by wheelchair via Kantersteen (entrance to Ravenstein Gallery).
By bicycle
- Bicycle parking station at the entrance to the Fine Arts Centre/BOZAR or at Brussels Central Station.
- City bikes for rent via
By public transport
- Train: Brussels Central Station
- Metro: Lines 1 and 5 (Central Station or Park) or Line 2 and 6 (Troon/Trône)
- Tram: 92 and 93 (Paleizen/Palais)
- Bus: 38 and 71 (BOZAR)
- Parking Albertina-Square: Stuiversstraat & Gerechtsplein
- Grote Markt car park: Grasmarkt 104
- Zavel-Poelaert car park: Poelaertplein
Flanders Arts Institute aims to be representative and multi-voiced. That’s why we focus on accessible content and events as much as we can.
Art during crisis: open discussions for artists and professionals in times of crisis
What can we do together? How do we help artists on the run with connections in the sector? Should institutions show solidarity during crises, and what exactly does solidarity mean? Join the conversation during digital open discussions.
Join our open discussions: each first Thursday of the month, from 9 am to 10 am via Zoom. You can simply click and enter. The meetings are in English.