Contribute to Het Nieuw Antwerps Liedboek (The New Antwerp Songbook)

Sascha Bornkamp & Leonore Spee / Teletext


We are Sascha Bornkamp and Leonore Spee, together we are Teletext, and we are the creators of this project. A few years ago we accidentally came across het Antwerps Liedboek (the Antwerp songbook), which was originally published in 1544. We were captivated by the mysterious language – Middle Dutch – and wondered what would happen if we put these lyrics to beats.

As is often the case with us, this fantasy quickly got out of hand. Since our discovery of the book we’ve done extensive research and concluded various projects (including De Schelde GesprekkenGenoveva & Festival Een Nyeu Liedeken). Today, five years later, we return to the book where it all started.

Our plan? Giving het Antwerps Liedboek a 21st century update.

In 2023 and 2024 we will be creating Het Nieuw Antwerps Liedboek (the new Antwerp songbook), but we will not be doing this alone. In order to realize this project, we’re working together with the city of Antwerp, its residents and a wide variety of artists and will be supported by a network of organizations.

But most importantly, we need you! What should Het Nieuw Antwerps Liedboek look and sound like, in order to speak to the current residents of Antwerp? We want to know which song you think is vital for Het Nieuw Antwerps Liedboek. What song were you raised with? What song was sung in your scouts group back in the day? Or in the student association? Or in the neighbourhood choir? Or while cooking a festive meal? Or at the birth of a new family member? Or …? And tell us why it stayed with you?

Do you have a song that you would like to share? Send us an email! We will then get in touch with you! We are curious about your song and the story behind it, and we would love to meet you.

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