Show your work-in-progress at Museum dr. Guislain

Par Hasard


In June it’s that time again. Par Hasard invites everyone to peek into the cooking pots of some artists. On Sunday June 18 we organize a Par Hasard edition in the fine building of Museum dr. Guislain in Ghent.

Through this open call, we gladly invite makers, performers, musicians, poets, dancers, visual artists… to apply to participate in this Par Hasard. The intention is to give you the opportunity to show your work-in-progress in a simple, clear and appropriate context. You can present your work-in-progress to a wide audience in order to take the next step in the creative process.

For whom?

  • you have a degree in the arts or relevant experience in the arts sector
  • you share a work-in-progress or an experiment (max 15min)
  • your work is suitable for the location (limited technical resources)
  • all art disciplines are welcome
  • a link to the location is an added value, but not a must

How to participate?

Send your CV, short explanation of the project (max 500 words) and your motivation (max 500 words / or in the form of a video of max 3 minutes) to . The open call will close on April 30 at 23:59.

If you have any questions or comments, be sure to let us know.

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