Residency program STARTS4waterII

GLUON Art Research

The S+T+ARTS Residency Programme is dedicated to Water Sustainability and innovation at the nexus of Science, Technology, and the arts. This time, the program specifically focuses on the environmental challenges of ports, port cities, coastal areas, and waterways.

Through nine-month residencies, STARTS4waterII will foster collaborative artistic research, creation and innovation in various port cities and their related ecosystems and industries in eight countries: Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, France, Ireland, Austria, Croatia and Slovenia.

Residency program

STARTS4waterII will support selected artists through a program consisting of a 9-month residency from September 2024 and multiple exhibitions and events during the residency period and thereafter until November 2025.

The duration of each residency is 9 months of residency + 2 months of outreach, and includes 5 phases: reflection, development, evaluation, production and exhibition.

Expected output from artists

  • Up to €40 000 budget for artists residencies to cover the artist fee, the organisation and participation at artistic exhibitions/events and other relevant costs to ensure the successful implementation of the project (including but not limited to artwork/prototype production); The budget is fixed at € 40 000, no matter if the application is for a single artist, or an artist-collective.   
  • Access to the resources/facilities provided by the residency host institution;  
  • Assistance from the Local Expert Group (LEG);  
  • Access to the Europe-wide S+T+ARTS network; Participation at the STARTS4waterII community events (online and on-site);  
  • Potential participation in exhibitions showcasing the outcomes of the residencies at Ars Electronica Festival in September 2025, Love Tomorrow Conference, the UN Ocean Conference and/or other festivals and venues upon selection; and visibility through high impact communication activities to promote the artistic output and its innovation spillovers.  

What they expect

  • Producing a tangible, presentable and art-driven output addressing a local challenge, in the form of an artwork or a functional or speculative artistic prototype;  
  • Providing (at the beginning of the residency) a descriptive abstract of the art-driven innovation output and a development plan describing the objectives, actions, timetable and setup necessary for implementing it;   
  • Participating and organising online or on-site local/ national events, workshops, and seminars to (i) share experience in participating in STARTS4waterII residency programme; (ii) ensure the promotion of residency results.   
  • Participating in at least 3 online or on-site local/national events, as well as in international events (these events will be discussed, agreed and co-organised with the residency partners);   
  • Actively engaging in the dissemination and communication efforts of the residency, sharing posts on social media, producing articles to be shared on websites (such as, participating in written/audio/video interviews; and   
  • Contributing to the impact assessment analysis undertaken by STARTS4waterII.  

Admissibility Criteria

STARTS4waterII calls for proposals from an individual artist or a collective of artists from any country under the condition that they can travel to the country of the residency, as specified in the open call (visa granted). 

More information

More information about the call, admissibility criteria or how to participate can be found via the link below.

More information