Performers for a new site-specific performance project

Işıl Bıçakçı

For the creation process of a new site-specific performance project (S)Exist, Işıl Bıçakçı is looking for performers who;

  • has strong contemporary dance technique and improvisation skills,
  • has good acting skills and open to playing with voice and text,
  • is comfortable talking about their/her/his personal stories, experiences and comfortable with communicating openly,
  • lives in Belgium,
  • is available at the period of the residency.

Audition date: 8 November 2023 – 10.00 / Gent
The first residency will be in Gent and it’ll take two weeks, starts on 13th November and ends on 26th November.

How to apply?

Please send your resume/biography with a profile picture to
Feel free to write in the email in case there is something you’d like to share/mention about yourself.

Deadline for the application is 5th November. You’ll be informed further on 6th November.

Ps: The performers will receive a fee for the creation process.

More information