Invitation: participate in the Art & Dying working group

Open call

The connections between art and dying are diverse and date back a long time. How do we, as individuals and as a community, deal with impermanence?


(1) Bringing together people and practices concerned with this.
(2) Inspiring and supporting each other.
(3) Possibly taking structural steps to bundle, make known, and support the societal role and value of these practices, in relation to the needs present in this society.


Depending on who participates:
Physical meetings, database, podcast, publication, exhibition, interviews…

Saturday, April 27: first gathering

  • Prinsenhofweg, Hasselt
  • between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. (until 4 p.m. in Dutch, if needed after 4 p.m. in English).
  • Bring ‘something’ that can make your motivation, perspective, project, or practice discussable in 7 minutes (max), or participate without presenting anything.

Can’t attend?

But want to say something about ‘art and dying’ or want to stay informed about this working group?

Email to: (Anyuta Wiazemsky Snauwaert, coordinator NICC)and (initiator of this working group)