Open call for performers for the new film by Karel Tuytschaever

Karel Tuytschaever

For his new fiction film, Karel Tuytschaever is looking for performers (actors, dancers, and other
performing artists) attracted to a body-oriented work process in which sincere physicality is central.

After his film EASY TIGER, in which hearing and other hearing people worked together to create a unique visual language, this film is the final part of his long-term research project, When the artist swallows his image. This project explores the relationship between his own presence and that of other performers, intending to create an honest and vulnerable image.

Do you feel drawn to this approach? Send us a video in which you introduce yourself by sharing three physical features that make you unique. If you like, you can also tell us briefly about your motivation and background.

Important information

  • Shooting is scheduled between February 1 and 10, 2025, so availability during that period is important.
  • Send your application with a link to your video to Delphine, production manager at DansBrabant: To ensure privacy, only Karel will view the submitted videos.
  • You can apply until 20 November 2024.
  • For this film, Karel is looking for performers for certain roles who are also comfortable playing some scenes naked within a caring and respectful working environment. Please let us know with your application if this is possible for you.

Based on the submissions, Karel will invite some performers to further encounter in early December.