Open call: The Onthology Project


The ONTOLOGY PROJECT combines the classical ontological subject (with its ideas and actions of  freedom, empathy and contingency) with the ontological world of data, I.e. the embedding in a  computing system that quickly creates order. The project: open, unfinished on all levels, a fabric  floating in space that revolves around the sub-themes: erzählen – zählen (narrating – counting),  entspannen – anspannen (relaxation – tension), Freiraum – Raum (space – place), empathy – virtual  footprints, contingency- calculability, merging, all together!

What are the prerequisites for artists to support being in flux: the transition from being to ‘being in flux’, better ‘assidue fluxus’ as open being. Recognizing Latour’s hybrid and Haraway’s cyborg thinking* and acting accordingly would be a plus for the project interest (also to facilitate the exchange between the participants). We are interested in open thoughts and sensibilities that explore how we can decouple our ways of living & seeing from the binary terminologies and dissolve them, it is the search for how the subject nests itself in both ontologies, connects and merges them, but also in the awareness that data ontology forces us to completely rethink the classical forms of freedom, chance, empathy. The project: an unfinished large form that will constantly change during the project period.

*We see ourselves as a small particle in a big chain: gases, planet earth, nature, animals and a humanity that crushes everything with its weight.

For who

A warm welcome to all those who want to contribute, send your project topic related weird, creative artistic dispositions, please send us your preliminary, first ideas in a text of circa 1500 characters and a link to related works or selected portfolio, with your bio. In the subject-line of the E-
mail, Reg: Ontology Appl. + your name.

Indoor space: approx. 826 sqm plus 150 sqm in the entrance area. Urban space for participatory activities (for reference see our webpage, pictures of the Meander project) Participants: approx. 20 – 22 artists (open to all disciplines) Financial support. Ensured project contribution by the Association € 28.000. For artists living in Berlin € 1800,-

Note: If Foundations support the project, the basic amount increases, the main part goes to the artists. Foreign participants receive the same amount; €1800 (travel & accommodation support will be negotiated. For more info: send a short mail (keywords)