Looking for a studio or workspace in Brussels?


Are you an artist, researcher or art worker in the field of performing arts, and are you looking for a studio or workspace in Brussels? Twice a year we invite you to share a research or project proposal with us via our open call.


Our residency programme offers free workspace for research, exchange and creation in the performing arts.

  • Studio space. When a project is selected, we search together for the right space in the right period. Thanks to our partnerships, we have a number of weeks of studio space available each year at various locations in the city. The calendar changes from month to month, so the planning is made according to availability.
  • Technical material. The studios are not technically equipped and no technical assistance is foreseen. To the extent possible, we do provide basic technical material, such as a sound system, micro, projector and so on.
  • Accommodation. The options for accommodation depend on the type of residency (see below).
  • Budget. We provide an expense allowance.
  • Dramaturgy. Residents can rely on basic dramaturgical support from the house dramaturge.
  • Sharing. Residents are welcome to share their research, practice or work with the team and/or their co-residents at the end of the residency. This can also take the form of a (semi)public try-out.
  • Lunch. Every Tuesday we invite all residents who are working in the studios at that moment for an artists’ lunch, together with the team of workspacebrussels.
  • Food for thought. Our library is open to all residents and is developed on the basis of their suggestions.

How to apply

You are invited to apply by filling out an online application form. There are three types of residency: an Atelier Residency in the town house of workspacebrussels; a Studio Residency with one of our partners; an Embedded Residency in the healthcare sector.

Type #1: Atelier Residency

  • Suitable for writing, research, exchange, workshops, meetings, reading groups…
  • Location: workspacebrussels (view atelier)
  • Duration: two to eight weeks
  • Accommodation: one bedroom with two single beds, in the house of workspacebrussels
  • The February 2022 application round is closed. The selection of the fall & winter residencies 2022 will be announced on 4 April 2022.
  • Next deadline: August 2022, for residencies between January and June 2023 (open call & further details online by the end of June 2022)

Type #2: Studio Residency

  • Suitable for research or creation on the floor
  • Location: Ultima Vez, Kaaistudios or Les Brigittines (view studios)
  • Duration: one to three weeks (multiple residencies are sometimes possible)
  • Accommodation: only for non-Belgian residents, max. 4 people, on location in Brussels
  • The February 2022 application round is closed. The selection of the fall & winter residencies 2022 will be announced on 4 April 2022.
  • Next deadline: August 2022, for residencies between January and June 2023 (open call & further details online by the end of June 2022)

Type #3: Embedded Residency in the Health Sector

  • Embedded residency in a psycho-social day care centre
  • Location: KAOS / PSC St.-Alexius (1050 Elsene / Ixelles)
  • Duration: compact (two weeks) or in-depth (two months)
  • Next deadline: 18 March 2022, for residencies between May and December 2022
  • Go to the application form

All information
