Develop your performance project and artistic vision through three paid international residencies

Kunstenplaats Vonk

Moving Identities is an inter­na­tion­al res­i­den­cy pro­gram in which 5 dif­fer­ent art venues exchange res­i­den­cies over a three-year peri­od with the idea of cre­at­ing a more sus­tain­able, diverse and inclu­sive plat­form for European per­for­mance and trans­dis­ci­pli­nary artists. The goal is to encour­age cross-cul­tur­al col­lab­o­ra­tion and open a new inter­na­tion­al net­work for the par­tic­i­pat­ing artists.

All venue part­ners are UP (Copenhagen), Nau Ivanow (Barcelona), Hellerau (Dresden), Davvi (Hammerfest) and Kunstplaats Vonk (Hasselt). The pro­gram is sup­port­ed by Creative Europe.

We Are Looking For

An artis­tic duo or group of artists (max. 5) who:

  • are based in Belgium with a valid work permit
  • have a strong artis­tic vision and inter­est in the themes of mod­ern European iden­ti­ty, inclu­sion, and diversity
  • have a con­crete project pro­pos­al 
  • are com­mit­ted to par­tic­i­pate in the total of three residencies
  • are com­mit­ted to par­tic­i­pate in dif­fer­ent meet­ings with the local venue, feed­back ses­sions, and ongo­ing dia­logue with the pro­gram coordinators
  • are com­mit­ted to slow trav­el where possible

The Program Offers

  • three paid res­i­den­cies of 10 days each, one at Kunstplaats Vonk (Hasselt, Belgium), and two at our part­ner venues Hellerau (Dresden, Germany) and Davvi (Hammerfest, Norway)
  • a total fee of €4000 per artist in your group, as well as per diems for all inter­na­tion­al residencies
  • work-shar­ing event at each of your res­i­den­cies where you can share your work in a suit­able way to an audi­ence of local per­form­ing arts professionals
  • an exchange with a host artist at each of your inter­na­tion­al res­i­den­cies to help you net­work with local artists and organisations
  • men­tor­ing from your choice of the Moving Identities partners
  • online sem­i­nars and artist meet­ings through­out the year
  • strat­e­gy facil­i­ta­tor at the end of your res­i­den­cy year who will sup­port you in plan­ning the future of your work/​project
  • pro­mo­tion­al mate­r­i­al for your use, includ­ing pro­fes­sion­al pho­tos, an inter­view video, and a pro­mo video

Residency Dates

  • Kunstplaats Vonk (Hasselt, Belgium) from October 7 to 18 (2024)
  • Hellerau (Dresden, Germany) from November 4 to 15 (2024)
  • Davvi (Hammerfest, Norway) from March 10 to 21 (2025)

How To Apply

You can read more detailed infor­ma­tion and apply via the Moving Identities web­site before 26.04.24 (23h59).

For apply­ing you should have the fol­low­ing mate­r­i­al ready: 

  • your CV as a PDF-file
  • a PDF-file or a link to a video (YouTube, Dropbox, or the like) in which you explain your artis­tic vision, and the project or research you would like to work on and devel­op dur­ing this program

We will host a 1‑hour ses­sion online on April 10 (10h-11h) where artists inter­est­ed in apply­ing can ask ques­tions and get more infor­ma­tion via this Zoom link.