Off the Grid: take part in the residency and presentation platform of Cas-co


Off the Grid (herein­af­ter abbre­vi­a­ted as ​OTG’) is the name of the resi­d­en­cy and pre­sen­ta­ti­on plat­form for artists, col­lec­ti­ves and inde­pen­dent cura­tors in Cas-co. The pro­gram pays spe­ci­al atten­ti­on to new voi­ces and pro­fi­les that have not (yet) been heard or be seen in a muse­um con­text, pre­sen­ta­ti­on insti­tu­ti­ons or the regu­lar arts field. In OTG, eve­ry tra­jec­to­ry starts with a peri­od of devel­op­ment — be it mas­te­ring a new dis­ci­pli­ne or skill, star­ting new research or pro­du­cing new work, ana­ly­zing one’s own posi­ti­on in the field or explo­ring new col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons — and gra­du­al­ly trans­la­tes into a col­lec­ti­ve­ly desig­ned public pro­gram.

The plat­form bran­ches out from various spa­ces on the ground floor of Cas-co to the public spa­ce around Cas-co. OTG also pro­mo­tes and pre­sents videos, publi­ca­ti­ons and edi­ti­ons by artists asso­ci­a­ted with the community.

Open call

With this OPEN OPEN CALL, OTG is loo­king for artists, cura­tors and col­lec­ti­ves who want to give sub­stan­ce to its next two sea­sons (autumn 2024 & spring 2025). Anyone can regis­ter with good ide­as or wild dreams, which will be con­si­de­red by an artis­tic jury. The pro­po­sals can take all kinds of forms: from a com­pre­hen­si­ve resi­d­en­cy or research pro­ject to an exhi­bi­ti­on, fes­ti­val, hap­pe­ning, per­for­man­ce, scree­ning or talk. The selec­ted group of artists, thin­kers or makers can have stu­dio and exhi­bi­ti­on spa­ce, mate­ri­als, a bud­get, guid­an­ce and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on sup­port at their dis­po­sal.

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