Take part in a thematic lab on dance & nature

Rosas' & PARTS'

Over the last years, outdoor physical labour has increasingly become a source of inspiration for Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker.
For 2 consecutive years, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and Corentin Hannon initiated the workshop ‘Hand power, horse labour and dance’ during Summer. They gathered a diverse group of dancers and non dancers, who shared an interest in outdoor labour and agriculture.

Building on last year’s inspiring collective experience, there will be another sequel this year.
During this workshop you will start the day with movement sessions for dancers and non-dancers alike. In the afternoon you will explore some (traditional) techniques stemming from agriculture under guidance of Anne Teresa herself and Corentin Hannon: scything (guided by the experts of ‘Zeis en Bijl’), wood lumbering, haymaking as well as pulling exercises with draught horses.

During the workshop you will get to work outdoors in a small community, learn how to make fire and cook together, spend time on the field whilst exploring a range of techniques and repetitive movements.

How to reconnect our body and the environment?
How to slow down in a world full of impulses?

The workshop takes place From Wednesday July 3 until Sunday July 7 (9am – 4pm)
De School van Gaasbeek serves as a base, while the activities take place in the surrounding fields.

Applications are OPEN, you can apply until Sunday May 28th at midnight!

More information & application here

Practical info
Location: De School van Gaasbeek & surroundings
From Wednesday July 3 until Sunday July 7, 9am – 4pm

Target group: open for dancers and non-dancers with an interest in outdoor physical labour and agriculture. Min. 18 years.

Application procedure:
Apply via this form before Sunday May 28th at midnight
You will receive an answer by June 10th, 2024

Number of participants: 12
Price: 300€ – lunch included (travel and accommodation to be arranged by the participants)

Questions? Mail to summer.residencies@parts.be

Production: P.A.R.T.S.In collaboration with: Rosas & De School van Gaasbeek