Making Tracks: Artist residency for musicians and music professionals

Making Tracks

Making Tracks is an artist residency and tour based around the twin theme of musical traditions and the natural world. They select eight Fellows (exceptional emerging music professionals, and more experienced musicians deserving of wider recognition), usually annually, via their open call for artists.

Relevance to one or both of their two themes is more significant than what genre of music you play. Applicants are asked to write about their musical background and interests, as well as provide some other basic information, including samples of their solo and collaborative work. This year they are evolving the project to further embrace interspecies as well as intercultural music-making.

During the artist residency (9th – 22nd September) musicians receive professional development, incubate new collaborative works, and take time out to develop their craft and career plans. They then go on tour (22nd September – 5th October), performing solo and collaboratively at 10 concerts, and contributing to 10 youth music workshops.

More information and how to apply