Makers, dancers, musicians… who want to share a work-in-progress with the audience

Open call
Par Hasard

Ariadna Girones Mata (c) Axel Himburg

Par Hasard makes work (theater) from text, image and sound on the one hand, but also has a platform through which it curates work by young talented artists. The Platform takes the form of a tour through the work of colleagues that we always reach through an open call.


Par Hasard is op zoek naar makers, dansers, muzikanten… die een work-in-progress willen delen met publiek op 24 april in de Gentbrugse Meersen in Gent.

For whom?

  • Professional artists who can show experience
  • Artists who see an added value in a performance with respect for nature with little technical support
  • Everything is possible and allowed: experimentation is essential

How to apply?

Are you excited to try out material in the Gentbrugse Meersen and to see how the audience responds?

Then send your outline and CV to before the 7th of March.