Call for applications: more than 100 new assessors for the arts assessment committees

Departement Cultuur, Jeugd en Media

The Department of Culture, Youth and Media is looking for additional assessors and chairs for the Arts assessment committees. All grant applications within the Arts Decree pass the expert judgement of an assessment committee: twice a year to assess applications for project grants and scholarships, every five years to assess applications for operating grants.
Currently, there are about 300 active members in the pool. This is too limited to achieve quality assessment several times a year. Therefore, we want to add 125 reviewers and 10 chairs to the current pool of reviewers.

Please note that this call is in Dutch. You can find more information about the call on our Dutch page.

More information and application here (in Dutch)


Do you have any questions about this call? Do not hesitate to contact the department via the contactform, or join of the online lunch talks with Flanders Arts Institute and current assessors on July 24 or August 7.