What does ‘working internationally’ mean nowadays? Send us your ideas and brainstorm with us

Open call

Are there any issues around international work that concern you? Do you have ideas on how to make it more sustainable, and do you feel like working out some of them with a group of people sharing the same concern over a period of maximum one year? Send us your issues and ideas about how it can be done differently!

In 2021, Flanders Arts Institute will support the elaboration of ideas around these crucial challenges. A Fair New Idea?! is a collection of four open calls for project proposals.

Call 2: working internationally in the arts

The arts field is largely internationally oriented. But what does ‘international’ mean today? Are we talking about countries, markets, cultures, languages, histories? And to what extent is ‘international’ territorial, especially if you look at the diverse communities present in Flanders and Brussels?

International professional travel is a privilege, for which one needs opportunities and (access to) resources. It is increasingly fast-paced, expensive, and associated with a large ecological footprint. 

How can the ‘timeout’ on international transit imposed by Covid offer the time and space to look for solutions? 


1/ Open Call

The deadline for submitting your application is March 19 at 6 pm (CET). A six-member jury (Sachli Gholamalizad, Antony Hudek, Aurélie Nyirabikali Lierman, Charlotte Vandevyver, Elli Vassalou and Mathilde Villeneuve) will put together one or more online working groups with a total of seven participants. The jury will base its decision on the themes that people put forward and any ideas for improvement that they already have. 

The online working group(s) will work on the development of one or more ideas for up to one year. 

2/ Kick-off working group(s)

Be sure to keep April 29 in your calendar. On April 29 we bring together the selected people (max. seven people) in a collective brainstorming session on the approach and working method of the working group(s)

Read more and apply here


Looking for inspiration and background information?

Be sure to check out these sources:

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Download the information about this open call in French or in Arabic.