Submit your proposal NICC’s visual artists’ manifesto


NICC is turning 25 this year and we want to celebrate this momentous occasion with the world! 

For a quarter of a century, our grassroots, artist-run organisation has been advocating for individual artists. We initiated organisations such as Kunstenpunt and Morpho, distributed numerous model documents that professional artists need in their practice, and pushed the importance of subsidising the arts — all with the aim of bettering the socio-economical situation of the visual artist. 

The past year we have been collecting artists’ opinions and concerns to create a guideline that will be passed on to politicians and decision-makers in the form of a document called a ‘memorandum’. On the occasion of NICC x 25, we want to enhance the written memorandum by incorporating a visual artists’ manifesto and inviting artists to submit their proposals for it. This publication will be published by Stockmans Art Books. Moreover, some of the concepts from the publication will be displayed in Zaal 1 at S.M.A.K. Selected artists are compensated by NICC according to the guideline Juist is Juist calculated on 2 days of work (€500 incl. VAT). In addition, NICC provides hanging fees of €100 for the loan of the artworks per person.

What do you want to pass on to future governments? What do you wish for our society? What role does art play in your vision of the future? We encourage proposals in any media, ranging from painting to text, to ritualistic performances, that contribute to the artist’s manifesto. 

Who can apply?

All professional visual artists (18+), including art students, who work and live in Belgium are welcome to apply to this open call. 

What happens with the applications?

A curated selection of the submissions – selected by a professional jury – will be featured in a publication presented to the public during NICC x 25 (07-28/12/2023). Additionally, we will spread this publication among politicians and policymakers. The artists whose proposal has been selected, will each receive a copy of the publication. From this selection, a few concepts will be chosen to be given a place in Zaal 1 at S.M.A.K. from 7-28/12/2023.

The selection will be based on the jury’s expertise and on the proposal’s relevance to the project’s concept.

How to apply?

Send the following to by 27/08/23 at 23:59:59 at latest, with the subject line “Inzending | Submission”:

  • The completed participation form (download it here) (pdf). Name this document “name_firstname_form_NICCx25”.
  • Your artistic cv and portfolio (pdf, max. 15 MB), mention your website/Instagram page if possible. Name this document “name_firstname_cv_NICCx25”.
  • Your proposal (pdf or tiff, one A4, 300 dpi). This is your actual submission and will be published as such in case you are selected. Name this document “name_firstname_proposal_NICCx25”.
  • A concise description/explanation of your concept (max. one A4). This is only intended for the jury and won’t be published. Name this document “name_firstname_description_NICCx25″.


Don’t hesitate to contact us through 

By sending in your proposal, you agree to NICC using the content for publication on social media, and its website, etc. with or without modifications; all right reserved to the artists.

With the support of the Flemish Government, S.M.A.K. and Stockmans Art Books.

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