City of Beausoleil: Four-Month Visual Arts Residency 2024–2025 (France)

City of Beausoleil


The City of Beausoleil, France, is calling for project proposals for the workshop space at Tivoli 89 from artist or a collective of artists. Residency periods are from 1 October 2024 for four months or 17 February 2025 for four months.

For whom?

The call is for projects aimed at artists working in the field of visual arts, regardless of gender, nationality or age. The selection of candidates will be made based on the quality of their work, their references, and the singularity of their artistic research. These will be professional artists engaged in a contemporary creative approach, working in the field of visual arts: architecture, landscape, painting, sculpture, drawing, engraving, photography, video, cinema, or digital arts. Multidisciplinary researchers linked to live performance or even literature are also welcome.

Candidates must aim to produce new works or continue their artistic research. The desire to develop a link between artistic research and the territory de Beausoleil and its inhabitants is recommended in order to meet the expectations of this call for projects.

During the residency artists must lead a Tivoli 89 workshop and open their studio for visits intended for art professionals and residents of Beausoleil (school public, public accompanied by the C.C.A.S, etc.). A budget of 500 EUR maximum can be dedicated to the purchase of the equipment necessary for the workshops. The artist will also present their research publicly in the form of an exhibition, a performance, or any other artistic form that seems appropriate.

Successful applicants will have access to the workshop space, a two-room apartment near the workshop, a living grant of 6,000 EUR net for the four months of residence, and a production grant of 2,000 EUR net including production, transport of works and travel.

Please note, this call is available only in French.