Cas-co is looking for permanent artists in residence


Artist and loo­king for a spa­ce, sup­por­ti­ve wor­king envi­ron­ment and com­mu­ni­ty in Leuven? In the cour­se of April and May 2025 on, four stu­dios will beco­me avai­la­ble in the Vaartstraat and Cas-co will be loo­king for new, ​‘per­ma­nent’ stu­dio resi­dents!

What does it mean to be a stu­dio resi­dent at Cas-co? Cas-co not only faci­li­ta­tes high-qua­li­ty and affor­da­ble stu­dios, but also stands for a dyna­mic and com­mit­ted com­mu­ni­ty. We offer spa­ce to visu­al artists, desig­ners, per­for­mers and hybrid prac­ti­ces with diver­se back­grounds, needs and requi­re­ments and encou­ra­ge exchan­ge at dif­fe­rent levels. acti­ve­ly gene­ra­tes devel­op­ment and pre­sen­ta­ti­on oppor­tu­ni­ties. In addi­ti­on, we work with the resi­dents to sha­pe a dyna­mic public pro­gram­me and look for tai­lor-made devel­op­ment and pre­sen­ta­ti­on oppor­tu­ni­ties.

Interested? Submit your file until Sunday, February 16, 2025!

Cas-co is loo­king for an artists, col­lec­ti­ves or orga­ni­za­ti­ons who: 

  • are pro­fes­si­o­nal­ly active; 
  • have a back­ground in the visu­al arts, design, sce­no­grap­hy, per­for­man­ce and/​or a hybrid practice;
  • are loo­king for exchan­ge and can con­nect to the broa­der com­mu­ni­ty and mis­si­on of Cas-co;
  • can acti­ve­ly use the workspa­ce and pro­gram­me offered
  • opti­o­nal: help sha­pe the design and ope­ra­ti­on of the sha­red wood and metal work­shop of Cas-co.

Cas-co offers:

  • A stu­dio of 20 m² to 53 m² in the Vaartstraat (no. 94) at a month­ly ren­tal cost of 5,70 euros per m² + a uti­li­ty cost of 25 euros plus 0,50 euros per m²;
  • a dyna­mic com­mu­ni­ty and ambi­tious wor­king envi­ron­ment whe­re artists, cul­tu­ral wor­kers, cura­tors, schools, com­pa­nies and other makers meet daily;
  • various forms of prac­ti­ce sup­port and acti­ve devel­op­ment poli­cy (month­ly stu­dio visits & mas­ter clas­ses, visi­tor pro­gram­mes, sha­red com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, iden­ti­fying oppor­tu­ni­ties for pre­sen­ta­ti­on, guid­an­ce in fin­ding net­work and funding…);
  • sha­red facilities:
    • A kit­chen, sha­red cowor­king area and workspa­ces in Vaartstraat;
    • pho­to lab and grap­hics lab under devel­op­ment in maakleerplek;
    • a canteen, fab lab, tex­ti­le lab, tex­ti­le and elec­tro repair hub and tools libra­ry in maak­leer­plek (in col­lab with partners).


  • Send your file by February 16, 2025 by e‑mail to mirthe@​cas-​co.​be.
  • On January 23 (2 – 5pm) and 29 (5 – 7pm), you can visit the ate­liers and the orga­ni­sa­ti­on during wor­king hours. Make a rdv via e‑mail on beforehand.
  • A com­ple­te dos­sier con­tains the fol­lo­wing elements:
  • a CV;
  • a visu­al portfolio; 
  • a short moti­va­ti­on statement
  • Please spe­ci­fy in your mail what you are loo­king for: 
  • mini­mal surfa­ce of the studio
  • ear­liest star­ting date 
  • A small selec­ti­on com­mit­tee, con­sis­ting of mem­bers acti­ve in the con­tem­po­ra­ry arts sec­tor and/​or cre­a­ti­ve learning spa­ce, eva­lu­a­tes the appli­ca­ti­ons on the basis of the sub­mit­ted file and gives a rea­so­ned advi­ce. The selec­ted artist(s) will be invi­ted for an inter­view during which fur­ther prac­ti­cal arran­ge­ments will be made and a lea­se will be discussed.
  • We only con­si­der appli­ca­ti­ons sub­mit­ted in res­pon­se to this call. Have you sub­mit­ted an appli­ca­ti­on in the past that has been posi­ti­ve­ly revie­wed? As soon as a stu­dio beco­mes avai­la­ble that mat­ches your needs, or when the­re is an open call, we will inform you. You should then just resub­mit your (upda­ted) dos­sier to con­firm that you are still interested.
  • For ques­ti­ons, visits and infor­ma­ti­on: con­tact mirthe@​cas-​co.​be.

More information and application here